We've all heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child.” That village of support is even more critical when the child has experienced neglect and trauma and is placed into foster care. Fostering Community provides ongoing support to children in foster care and their families and also works to prevent child abuse and neglect. If you'd like to partner with us to help provide support, here are some ways you can get involved.

  • Become a Financial Partner

    Help fulfill the mission by becoming a monthly financial partner. These automatic, recurring donations create a financial foundation to support the foster care community. Click here to make a one-time or recurring gift. Donations to Fostering Community are completely tax deductible.

  • Join our Youth Support Team

    Support our Youth Development Program by volunteering at youth community nights, host a cooking classes at Fostering Community, teach essential life skills, donate household cleaning supplies, help a youth with financial management, or by sharing your skills. Maybe you have a skill that you can teach a youth in foster care. email info@fosteringcommunity.org

  • Volunteer at the Foster Care Closet

    Volunteer with us at Fostering Community's Foster Care Closet, donate new clothing, gently used baby gear, or purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist

    Click here to sign up for a shift at The Foster Care Closet.

  • Prepare Freezer Meals

    Prepare and donate freezer meals to foster families. These meals offer convenience and support to families who are often overwhelmed with the demands of caring for children in crisis.

  • Host a Drive for Essential Items

    Organize drives to collect our most needed items, such as new socks, pajamas, gift cards, diapers, and baby wipes. These drives can provide critical support to foster families and ensure that children have the essentials they need. Click Here for more info.

  • Parent Cafe

    Strengthen families in our community by volunteering with our My Community Cares Initiative. My Community Cares hosts birth parent support groups called Parent Cafes. If you want to volunteer at a parent cafe, please email erica@fosteringcommunity.org

We are not all called to do the same thing, but we can all do something to help the foster care system. Fostering Community was created to be the bridge between the need of the foster care system and those in the community who want to help. There are endless opportunities to share your time and skills with the foster care community. If you want to get connected, please reach out to info@fosteringcommunity.org

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

-Margaret J. Wheatley